LP Long - sex pills

Looking for sex pills? How about drug-free and immediate effect solution?

No prescriptions
No numbing or desensitizing
No discomfort

  • Clinically Proven
  • Drug Free
  • Immediate Effect
  • CE Marked
  • Free, Discreet Shipping

Good for both partners!

Grace M.

verified buyer

We tried the starter kit first and he said the high intensity one was better so we got another pack. It buys us some precious minutes and he can feel it too. So I like that there’s equal pleasure here.


Take control of your ejaculation

When it comes to delaying ejaculation, you've tried it all. Sex pills and supplements bought online are just another failed promise. Medicines from the doctor cause side effects. And to use delay creams and sprays you pay a big price. They make you numb and you feel like a robot, not a lover.

Finally there's a new solution for men who want to last longer in bed. A wearable patch that acts immediately, just when you need it. No more waiting and no more sacrificing your health or sexual sensation.

With the in2 patch you can have it all.


Clinically proven to prolong sexual intercourse.

Immediate Effect

in2 patch instantly boosts your pelvic-floor muscles to delay ejaculation.

Free, Discreet Shipping

All items are shipped in a discreet package, delivery within 2-4 business days.

Pleasure is a basic right

Pleasure is natural and everyone has the right experience and explore it. Pleasure brings couples together, and we're here to give you the confidence to enjoy sexual intimacy with your partner. 

We want to create a world where no one sacrifices comfort or compromises health to deepen their intimate experience.

Unlike other treatments, with in2 you can:

  • Feel all the sensations of sex!
  • Be spontaneous!
  • Avoid doctors and waiting rooms!
  • Stay drug- and side- effect free!

Endorsed by experts

Clinically proven and safe  

The patch is not just another novelty gadget – it’s a clinically proven medical device. The in2 patch uses gentle, electrical muscle stimulation to delay ejaculation. The patch sits comfortably on your perineum – the piece of skin between your testicles and anus.

This is a skin patch, which means you apply it to your skin without the need to insert it or have an injection. Unlike a pill you must take every day, risking serious side effects.

Clinically tested and proven to prolong sexual intercourse, the in2 patch has also received the CE mark of approval from the European Union.

Will Your Partner Feel the in2?

The in2 patch uses gentle, electrical muscle stimulation to delay ejaculation, does it mean your partner will feel it?
Don’t worry – you’ll be the only one who notices that in2 is doing its job. Your partner may not even realize it’s there.

Your partner will only notice it if they touch that area or give you oral pleasure.
In most sexual positions in2 remains invisible to your partner.

Get Started with in2 Patch Today

The in2 patch is a solution millions of couples have been waiting for.
Finally, you don’t have to sacrifice sensations, or risk side effects to delay ejaculation and improve sexual health. 

Order the Starter Kit today and see for yourself how it can help you create lasting moments of pleasure with your partner.
